(01785) 258311

When you or your client need an independent business valuation, we are here to offer expert accounting advice, reports and support.
Business valuations can be needed for many reasons and can also be triggered by the courts for divorce, shareholder disputes, tax valuation cases etc. When that happens, you need an independent financial analysis which you can trust.
With over a decade of accredited experience, countless completed valuations and regular expert witness court appearances, our Senior Partner Richard Stonier and his team are the ideal choice to help you quickly respond to the directions of the court.

We are regularly instructed to provide business valuation reports for matrimonial disputes. This includes whole company valuations and minority shareholding valuations.
Our team always acts in a professional manner with empathy and understanding in what is often a stressful situation for the parties.
For more information contact us on 01785 258311 or email us at info@deansforensicaccounting.com

Shareholder Disputes
We perform business valuations to support shareholders in dispute.
Acting as independent and impartial experts we can provide the data the shareholders need in order to formulate an agreement and to get on with the task of running the business.
For more information contact us on 01785 258311 or email us at info@deansforensicaccounting.com

Tax Valuations
There are many instances where a business valuation or share valuation is needed to demonstrate to HMRC that a fair value has been used in a transaction.
As independent experts our reports are often submitted to the HMRC Valuation Office to support tax transactions.
For more information contact us on 01785 258311 or email us at info@deansforensicaccounting.com

Corporate Finance
Business valuations can be needed for many corporate finance transactions including management buy ins, buy outs, retirements, restructures etc.
Our team prepare these reports and present them in a format to aid the completion of these transactions. In addition we are often asked to comment on the taxation implications.
For more information contact us on 01785 258311 or email us at info@deansforensicaccounting.com

Trading Standards
We have performed business valuations to aid Trading Standards' investigations for various reasons.
Our report formats make our advice clear and easy to follow and the reports are often used in court bundles to support the investigation.
For more information contact us on 01785 258311 or email us at info@deansforensicaccounting.com

s.994 Minority Prejudice
Under s994 claims we are instructed to investigate wrong doings by one of the parties and to quantify losses that have arisen. We are often asked to value minority shareholdings.​
For more information contact us on 01785 258311 or email us at info@deansforensicaccounting.com